Originally Posted by JRutledge
I see bad coaches all the time and I would never tell that to their face or openly in public even if I feel that way strongly. That is ultimately the point that in my opinion the OPer was trying to make IMHO. Even if we feel a certain way about a coach, we are not likely to say that to a coach. And if we did we would be expected to hear about it from the right people. Coaches say those things a lot and nothing happens to them in many cases.
I think a lot of us are tired of the double standard that is widely held.
Yes, I agree, it is a double standard and it isn't right. Everyone expects you guys to behave like a professional. Yet, a coach can be a complete ***, and usually get away with it. Ultimately though the lack of class on the part of these kinds of hot heads ends up painting them into a corner. They may never get what they really deserve, but they end up in the "box" with all the other *** holes and everyone (players, admin, other coaches, etc) knows it.
I still think that as a coach, I should apply the same rule on a basketball court as I would outside in the street... if I don't have the balls to say it out loud to another grown man, then I probably ought to keep my mouth shut in the gym when addressing a referee.