Great stuff, guys.
The part about listening to your partners is vital. No matter what is said or by whom, be receptive. Even if it's advice from a guy with an adjustable cap, Leather Lustered shoes and purple slacks, listen. It's the fastest way to learn and it's the best way to get a good reputation. You'll develop a filter real soon, and like Seth said, you'll learn who the main guys are and gain a lot from them. In one of my first H.S. games, I was paired with a kid barely more than half my age. In the post-game, he asked me if I wanted to hear what he had, and I said yes with genuine enthusiasm. He went on for almost an hour and I soaked it all up. The more criticism I took, the more help he offered. But I had to swallow it, because I was the rookie, and he was the veteran, despite his being a kid. (22-year-old who had been at it since he was 11, and was doing high school at 18, and had been to pro school.)
The kid really helped me and he gave a great report because I was so receptive. I got through that growth period a lot more quickly and easily based on my being open to criticism from my partners.
Last edited by Kevin Finnerty; Tue Feb 10, 2009 at 03:20pm.