Originally Posted by RichMSN
You can really showcase your common sense by not long switching in this situation. Perhaps someday 2-person mechanics will catch up to the 3-person ones already in the book.
Personally, I have always found the "no-long-switch" mechanic to slow the 3-man game down. I don't mind running a little while waiting to put the ball in play. The players are frequently confused as to where the ball is to be inbounded when they see the old lead/new trail stepping out to call the foul. Everyone then has to wait for the old lead/new trail to go back into his position and administer the throw-in.
I work with various partners in both 2-man and 3-man. I find that I stay much more focused on the game when proper mechanics are used. When the officials are hustling into position while watching the players, the game can really move. I much prefer to long switch on "no-long-switch" situations in 2-man. The game definitely moves faster albeit with a little more running on the part of the officiating crew.