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Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 09:55pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by sanarota View Post
Should rugby be more noticed in the united states? I play rugby in college and we barely get any acknowledgment from the school. There is virtually no fans there. How does other American sports such as football and baseball shield rugby from being a huge American sport I know about USA rugby but, I have never even seen it on TV for god sake. Rugby is an awesome smash mouth sport that builds team unity and leadership skills just as good as any other sport. Why is the rest of the world so into rugby and why is America so far behind? I absolutely love this sport.
Rugby is a great game. But it would not fly in the US because they had nothing to do with creating it. The US is *very* pro-US and it is rare for them to embrace anything like their own that is created and developed elsewhere.
Pope Francis
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