Originally Posted by CMHCoachNRef
My hair is rather short; My forehead is a bit, uh, long; I have bushy eyebrows to the point that I have been referred to as "unibrow"; I am somewhat taller than average; and I weigh a decent amount less than average (some may say thin); I have pretty big feet (not quite clown-like, but big); I get up and down the court rather quickly, but my long arms and legs can look stork-like to some; and I'm not the best lookin' guy in the gym.
Wait a minute. Didn't you write the Emancipation Proclamation, and make an important speech called the Gettysburg Address? I would suggest that you don't buy tickets to
Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater.
Some people think that I look like Steve Garvey. Fans yell, "Cheater", and, "Paternity suit", at my games. I don't favor one team when I officiate, and I think that I look good in a suit, so the yelling doesn't bother me.