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Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 12:26am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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A very similar play occurred during a game around here this season.

We had a long discussion about the proper way to handle the clock.

In short, the referee can only correct the timing mistake with definite knowledge. That means that you must know how early the clock started in order to know how much time to put back. If you don't know, you can't do anything about it.

Your first situation is easy because the horn sounded prior to the throw-in being touched inbounds. Therefore, you have definite knowledge that all three seconds came off the clock incorrectly and you can put all three seconds back. Also, the POI is during the throw-in so the ball returns to the original throw-in spot for the same team.

Your second situation is a mess. You can't possibly know how early the clock started, even if you are fairly certain that it did start early. By rule, you can't correct anything here.
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