Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Your first lesson in stereo-typing. Well actually your 2nd since you have now learned that not all officials have kids in high school.
you could say that, but i don't consider it to be a stereotype if it's true, or mostly true. for instance, saying that black people commit more crimes than asian people (% wise, not total) isn't a stereotype, and depending on the context, probably isn't racist either. however, simply saying most black people commit crimes is a stereotype, because it's untrue. (relaaaax, it's an example!)
not only did i not say that all officials have kids in high school, i didn't even say it as a statement, but rather a question. i'm just saying that there are many more officials in their 40's than in their 20's (am i wrong?), and that there's a good chance they got into officiating high school games because their kid goes to that school/district, and that they have a day job. i just assume that a high school ref is a side thing.
to everybody: please, just chill out and stop analyzing every little thing i say, to the point where we get into these big discussions, it makes you look like you you're the flamer/troll who is out to analyze/twist my words just so you can insult me. i'm here to talk about officiating, and if you don't like it, then maybe you shouldn't be on an officiating forum. and if my slightly off topic (in your opinion) posts (or whatever else problem you have with my posts) are not to your liking, then just don't read my posts. btw, this is to everybody who has a problem with me, not specifically you badnews. it's highly messed up i have to give a lesson on something as simple as being polite and not starting fights to people much older than me (yes, i'm assuming all but a few people on here are older than 24, is that so bad to assume that?). damn, i make it sound like i'm some horrible person saying whatever the hell i want on here and pissing everybody off, when in reality a few people just take me the wrong way. i'm going to leave this bullcha alone now, and come back when i have an officiating question.
get that call right now! adios.