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Old Sat Feb 07, 2009, 08:52pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
1. Flagrant personal on the initial foul, two shots for BV.
I agree.

Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
2. If the coaches didn't participate, they don't get fouls, IMO. I give them leeway. But if you give them techs for leaving the bench, they need to be flagrant and the coaches need to be ejected. In this case, you'll have two free throws for each coach that left the bench. Two for BV and four for Rio. But the two BV FTs are cancelld by two of Rio's. So, two for Rio and none for BV here.
You are mistaken here because you are including the assistant coach. This incorrectly yields two extra free throws. In a fight situation you only consider the head coaches as a separate category, which would be classified as simultaneous technicals and the FTs would cancel. The assistants are bench personnel and are covered by Penalty 8b. Therefore, the assistant coach leaving the bench gets lumped in with the team members who did the same.

Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
3. Each player team member that comes off the bench gets a flagrant T. Since none of them participated, you only shoot two free throws for the team that had the fewest players come off the bench. Each head coach gets 1 indirect (not relevant if they're ejected, too.) Rio gets two more FTs here.
I know what you mean, but let's use specific language, especially in this situation. The players are those five for each team who were on the court. Team members are bench personnel. We must be precise here due to the different penalty categories.

Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
4. Final tally, assuming coaches didn't participate:
BV gets 2 FTs. Rio gets 4 FTs and the ball at the division line.
Head coach from each team gets one indirect T.
Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
5. Final tally assuming coaches did participate:
BV gets 2 FTs, Rio gets 6 FTs. Every coach that came out gets a direct, if they were assistants, the coach gets an indirect for each. In the case of the BV coach, if both coaches that participated were assistants, then the HC would get 3 indirects and also be ejected. Rio still gets the ball.
It doesn't matter whether the head coaches get penalized or not (other than their own ejections) as their offenses would offset. Therefore, my final tally is the same either way.
BV shoots 2 FTs for the flagrant personal foul, and then Rio shoots two for all of the members of bench personnel from BV who left the bench. Rio then gets the ball at the division line.

Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
But it seems to be common for refs to mess up the free throws on these situations.
I guess that applies to you too!
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