Originally Posted by Texasbock
I don't have the 2009 ASA Rulebook, but a friend of mine does and pointed out that on this page it clearly outlines where a wreck can happen and no INT or OBS should be called. This is consistent with older ASA rule books that I have within the context of "Collisions".
I am not aware of any difference between ASA and NFHS on this issue. That is why these are judgment calls. We are supposed to make up our own minds. There is no need to make a call simply because there is contact.
I believe that you are referring to RS #13. This rule talks about crashing into a fielder with the ball. Section G talks about the ball, runner, and fielder arriving at the same time.
Since the rule talks about 'crashing into a fielder with the ball', I am of the belief that section G is referring to the fielder 'catching' and 'possessing' the ball.
It's possible that I could be wrong.