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Old Thu Feb 05, 2009, 11:07am
Kevin Finnerty Kevin Finnerty is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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There was a coach who said one of the unspeakable things to me, but I didn't run him because it was an LA City Section game, and if you toss a coach, the game's over. I umpire high school so that kids can have games. I'm not going to let some semi-professional blowhard coach make everyone go home because he can't control his idiocy in a public setting.

So I make him sit in the dugout like a child and stew until the game reaches its natural conclusion, giving every youngster on his team the chance to look like a bigger man than Mr. Coach. Once you put a guy through that, they are never a problem when you see them again. It works out better than tossing them.
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