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Old Wed Feb 04, 2009, 03:50pm
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Originally Posted by RKBUmp View Post
This was brought up during high school clinic last night. Was an actual play that happened over the weekend in I believe a 12U game.

Runner on 3, batter thinks it is missed strike 3 and runs for 1st. Catcher throws to 1st, and runner at 3 comes home and scores. For whatever reason, coach yells at runner to get back to 3rd, runner resteps on home plate headed back to 3, and in the process ball is thrown to F5 who tags the runner while in between home and 3rd.

Umpire ruled that once the runner had scored she was "retired" per the rule book and was not subject to being called out. The general consensus amongst the instructors was that while not specifically addressed in the rule book, this is a DMR on the runner, and by retracing her track back across home plate on her way to 3rd, she put herself back into jeapordy of being called out.

We all searched the rule book last night for a refrence in both the ASA and NFHS rule books and couldnt find anything. Closest I could find was the force being reinstated after retreating from a base already touched.

I don't think you are going to find such a reference for ASA.

However, if you are not going to call the runner out because she has already scored, are you willing to call INT for drawing a throw IF THIS OCCURRED during a valid play with other runners attempting to advance?
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