Originally Posted by MNBlue
I don't have my NFHS rule book handy, but I believe that your clinic instructor took some liberties with the obstruction rule. I believe that the NFHS, with a few exceptions (F2 fielding a ball in front of the plate, an infielder making an initial play), wants us to rule obstruction if the defense impedes without possession.
I have obstruction as my ruling for the test question.
ASA has made similar interpretations on this matter, though I believe you cannot be as vague as they choose.
It used to be that you would not call INT on the runner if the throw drew the fielder into the runner's path. However, by using the "train wreck" excuse (and this is what it is in some cases), you could be rewarding the D for a lousy play. I believe some just drew off of this and attached OBS.
In the play noted, what if F3 is pulled into the runner's path and knocks her to the ground. Another fielder chases down the ball and tags a stunned BR still laying on the ground. I don't know how anyone can seriously accept such a play with a shrug and say "train wreck"? If that's the case, as a defender, I am ALWAYS going to stretch out for a bad throw and if I take out the runner, "oops, train wreck, right Blue?"