For what it is worth, I am in complete agreement with whoever has the most posts and has their own corner on a website and might be interested in publishing an article I plagarized...oops, wrote.
For what it is worth, I have known Carl since he was in diapers and I am behind him 100% and won't have anyone disagree with him, ever ever.
Guys...take a stand. "REASONABLE EFFORT" What does that mean to you? Take time out to stop worrying about how we look in the "Cyber mirror" and get a grasp of what is being asked!
We all love you either way guys. We will buy your books. We will go to your websites. You don't have to worry about ruffling feathers here.
I assume that you all side, during an arguement, with the coach that might be the most apt to be on this website or buy a writing, or visit a website? Come on now..."if you don't stand for will fall for anything."
Downtown, keep these guys on their toes. You're doing good. If you want a professional opinion, other than the ameturistic ones here...give me a note at address below