Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
I will add my two cents to the play.
Now for my story of the day. Many years ago in a boys' H.S. jr. varisty game in Michigan, in the second quarter, H1 was dribbling the ball near Team V's bench. I was L opposite the S/TT. My partner called a foul near the ball. At the time of the foul, he pointed toward Team H's basket. I switched and when the time was right, I gave the ball to H1 for a throw-in, who passed the ball directly to H2 who turned and made a layup. At this point V-HC wanted to know why Team H had gotten the ball for the throw-in after H2 had committed the foul against V2 near the ball.  I stopped the game before Team V could inbound the ball and asked my partner what he had? He said that he had a foul on H2 against V2 (this was before the NFHS and NCAA brought back the Team Control Foul penalty we have now and Team V was not in the bonus). I then did the unthinkable. I knew exactly how much time was on the clock when the foul was called. You can all guess what I did next.
MTD, Sr.
Yep, you basically invoked 10.1.8 except for the technical foul and warning part (obviously, this was NOT an unsporting act, but the implementation fits).....
*10.1.8 SITUATION: Immediately following a goal or free throw by Team A, A1 inbounds the ball to A2 and A2 subsequently throws the ball through A' basket.
The following procedure has been adopted to handle this specific situation if it is recognized before the opponents gain control or before the next throw-in begins: (a) charge Team A with an unsporting technical foul; (b) assess a delay-of-game warning for interfering with the ball after a goal; (
c) cancel the field goal; (d) cancel any common foul(s) committed and any non-flagrant foul against A2 in the act of shooting; and (e) put "consumed" time back on the clock.
COMMENT: If there is no doubt the throw-in was a result of confusion, the entire procedure would be followed except no unsporting team technical foul would be charged. A team technical would be assessed if the team had received a previous delay warning.
This procedure shall not be used in any other throw-in situation in which a mistake allows the wrong team to inbound the ball. (4-47-3; 10-1-5d)
So close to getting it right...