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Old Fri Jan 30, 2009, 07:55pm
UmpTTS43 UmpTTS43 is offline
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Originally Posted by MajorDave View Post
I agree it is your opinion. But, you obviously have not read the articles. I would agree that lately some of the offerings have not been great but still good. AND you get access to every article they have in their archive. There is quite a bit of excellent reading in the archive. Plus, if you want BRD (trust me, you want it and NEED it) you get it plus the articles for your subscription. JMO but true professionals read and try to learn every day from every source they can find.

Here's my take, are you an umpire for the money or for the game itself? I choose the latter. I would not do it just for the money. The money helps but I really do it for the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself. I enjoy the camaraderie, the plays, the enthusiasm, etc. I consider myself a professional. Not a Professional Baseball Umpire, that's MLB and MiLB. But someone who is dedicated to their craft. Someone who wants to be better the next day than the day before.

I am not saying I am better than you or anyone else. I just need to be a part of something that matters and that makes me a better person. For me, umpiring baseball games gives me a little bit of that something extra in life.

My two cents. Your mileage may vary.

As J.G. Wentworth says: "It's your money....."

Don't you think that's a little over the top bringing in professionalism and the "whys" of us umpiring just because I don't see the value in it? I'm glad you enjoy the articles and get a lot out of them. I also keep up with news and such, just not from here.

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