Thanks for a germane response.
So, in your opinion and that of some umpires working the ultimate level of games , there is no such thing as ordinary effort. You have flatly said that "no effort" is acceptable, if not ordinary. SO BE IT.
From here on... all pop flies, with infield fly conditions are automatically outs.
Then let's get the words "ordinary effort" out of the rule books altogether. They obviously have confused a lot of us.
All sarcasm aside, it appears some of the umpires here can make those kind of rulings and live through it. I still have to work the game for high school and junior college kids and feel that I would be creating a controversy if I called an infield fly that no one could have caught.
I suppose I started all this conversation of sexual inuendo when I mentioned butt slapping. It does make for an interesting conversation.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford