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Old Mon Oct 21, 2002, 10:24am
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Tim C you are plain nuts!

Do you know anything about rules or are you just on this website to press your personal ignorance. I have not seen any portion of your responses (since I joined the discussion) that addresses the infield fly rule being discussed.

You send public notices poking fun at me and never address the issue of infield fly and the rules of baseball. You have inspired others to join in and let me know how critical and "insulting" I am... still never discussing the rules of baseball. Additionally, on the side, you send me a personal note trying to be my buddy - warning me to ease my way into the forum, and that you have been in the same position as the new guy to the forum, and then you close with the comment that your resume is surely more expansive than mine. Seems bold for someone that doesn't know me but ... Stroke stroke stroke yourself to degrade others; nice touch Tim.

I have not criticized anyone besides you. And this is only because you have completely ignored the issue of the baseball ruling and established a 'JUMP ON DTTB CLUB.'

The fact remains, Jerry said something in a public forum, that umpires are learning from, that potentially establishes interpretation of this rule across the nation, and that I felt was wrong. Given my experiences and knowledge (and you don't know what they are) I was compelled to further the discussion by saying that I thought what he was suggesting was wrong. It was at this point that you jumped me becasue I used the words "Jerry, I would say you are wrong." This was not intended to be critical; it was stated to justify my ensuing discussion... I want to talk about this some more...

Given that there has been no further discussion about the infield fly rule and interpretation of ordinary effort, I still feel what he said is wrong. The defense must be capable of catching the fly before it should be called an infield fly.

Additionally Tim, I have received half-a-dozen other "personal" e-mails saying they agree with my interpretation of ordinary effort. Perhaps they were unwilling to state their agreement given their familiarity with your "known" style of response? Perhaps your lack of focus on baseball rules is dissuading people from joining the discussions?

As I said earlier, "I never meant any offense to Jerry. I just felt he was wrong." For all I know he may be working the World Series.

I sincerely hope that any further discussion on this thread addresses the infield fly/ordinary effort issues.

[Edited by DownTownTonyBrown on Oct 21st, 2002 at 10:27 AM]
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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