The good news is that things are being corrected. Sometimes it takes a while. But when passages or test questions come up that elicit differing interpretations or opinions, that's a hint that the wording might need some refining.
Since I've only been umpiring a few years [played many more] I tend to deal with the language more literally than someone who's been around for a while and knows "how it was intended to be". Such that if I look up a rule to try to understand it better, I only have the language as written without knowing what the intent was or should be.
I'd agree with an earlier opinion that poorly worded test questions and/or responses are more accidental than intentional. As a "national" organization with world-wide reach and thousands of interpreters [i.e. umpires, coaches, etc.] I'd hope for fewer confusing passages. I will give credit that in the few years of my darkside experience, that I've seen some progress in that regard.