NOT a Correctable Error, BUT should it be???
I have seen several circumstances over the past several years in which either the arrow was wrong or the official simply made a mistake on a throw-in by giving the ball to the wrong team.
Case 7.5.2A indicates that the error cannot be corrected once the throw-in ends:
*7.5.2 SITUATION A: Team A is awarded a throw-in near the division line. The
administering official by mistake, puts the ball at B1' disposal. B1 completes the throw-in and Team B subsequently scores a goal. RULING: No correction can be made for the mistake by the official after the throw-in ends.
Yes, we all know that better communication with our partners should prevent this from happening, but I have seen it happen. Fortunately, we have always caught it BEFORE the throw-in has ended in our games, but I have seen it in other games.
My question is, why hasn't the NFHS extended the time of correction from the time the throw-in ends to any time during the wrongly awarded possession? The officiating crew can make the mistake -- AND FIX IT -- up until the throw-in ends. It would seem to me that giving the officials that extra time would eliminate a good percentage of these errors.