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Old Sun Jan 25, 2009, 11:32pm
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
Not disagreeing with that method, Mike.

The new NCAA rule change on substitutions makes my point, I think. According to the rule, a sub is not in the game until all of the next 4 points are complete: 1) the coach reports the change to the plate umpire, 2) the plate umpire accepts the change (preferably repeating both names and numbers), 3) the plate umpire actually records the change (preferably showing the coach and getting agreement that this is the change desired), and 4) the plate umpire announces the change to the official scorer. If the reporting coach realizes that isn't the change desired, it can be stopped at any point in that process even after recorded, as long as not yet announced.

No way does it make sense to perform all 4 steps for one change, then all 4 steps for the 2nd change, then ...... As a practical matter, you take one at a time thru recording (report, accept, record, then report accept, record, etc.), then announce all subs at the same time. You maintain control, you make sure you have it right; then you finalize and announce all subs at the same time.
Nothing like a little overkill to make up for a coach's incompetence.
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