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Old Sun Jan 25, 2009, 08:08pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by SethPDX View Post
And it's off-topic, but next time the PU should only take one sub at a time from the offense.
Sorry, Seth, I disagree. Teams can make as many substitutions as they want at any time. In fact, if they are entering them at the same time, they must make the subs when they make them. If he entered both on defense at once, how could you possibly refuse one of the changes? Suppose he wants a sub for the hitter and a sub for a runner at the same time? Which one can you refuse? For the same reason, when he reports S1 for B1, and S2for B3, you are not authorized to refuse either sub (unless making one violates a rule); they are both in the game at that time. You accept them, record them, repeat them to be sure you have recorded them properly, and then report the changes to the other team.

The only prohibition against multiple changes is a statement that you don't accept future changes for the current change. You don't accept S1 for B1, and S1 is "going to re-enter". In that case, you accept S1 for B1, repeat it to the coach, and tell him that S1 is in the game until he reports B1 as re-entering when it happens.
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