It felt good to be back on the court. I felt like a fish out of water at first but then got into the flow of the game. 20 something fouls in the first half that I believe I called 2. Not that I wasn't in the game just everything was happening in front of my partners. Settled down in the second half to where we did not even get to the bonus. Overall my knee was much better than I expected. Aleve prior to the game helped.
One downer to the game. Very late H1 just about tackles V1 and they go down in a heap. Intentional called. Both girls stayed down. V1 was Ok but H1 broke her wrist in the fall. I should say rebroke. We found out this was her second game back from a previous break to the same wrist.
The school did a great job with their fight cancer night. Gym decorated in pink. Coaches wore pink shirts. The players had pink laces, socks and headbands. We looked great with our pink whistles.
A nice game to return with.
Now I have a games 7 of the next 8 nights.