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Old Thu Sep 07, 2000, 01:14pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Unless you have some special rules, in NF the penalty would always be 15 yards no matter what if they accepted the penalty. If the catch was further than that, they probably would decline the penalty. In college it is a spot foul if shorter than 15 yards or 15 yards if the penalty was further than 15 yards of the line of scrimmage. And in both rule books they are automatic first downs too. Hope that helps.

Originally posted by mikesears:
If there is Defensive pass interferance and the offensive player catches the ball, where is the enforcement spot for the penalty? 15 yards from the previous spot or the spot of the interferance?

Had this happen in a rec league I officiate in and want to know the proper application of the rule. Don't have a rulebook or casebook handy but can look it up later if you have rule or case #.

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