They started making their shirts with the stuff that snags that you described. Then they went to that loose see-through weave that Bret described. The second generation looks terrible with virtually any undershirt--especially in the lighter colors. The first generation fabric is softer and more comfortable and just as lightweight, but snags like that with very little use. At $12.00 or $15.00, I bought back-ups while they were still made of that first generation weave. I only got stuck with the MLB polo blue in the newer fabric. Check that: I got the white with the black collar, but it can't be worn with a black undershirt. I got it for one of those 105 degree games they have here in the valley. I even got an extra for partner loaner.
Cliff Keen's not the answer--not as comfortable as these, especially in hot weather. But they last longer, as do the Honig's. I rotate so many shirts, and wash them so delicately that they always look sharp and seem to last a long time. But if all I used was the Official's Choice, I'd be pretty pissed off at all the inconsistency and how they and the company perform.
Last edited by Kevin Finnerty; Tue Jan 20, 2009 at 11:14pm.