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Old Mon Jan 19, 2009, 09:22pm
Scratch85 Scratch85 is offline
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Originally Posted by LDUB View Post
So what is the point of knowing who the speaking captain is if you are just going to talk to anyone? I understand how situations come up where one wants to talk with a player but I don't really see the need to designate one person in specific as the guy to talk to. I doubt that guy will be playing the entire game anyways.
The longer I think about this, the more useless team captains become. From habit and based on the way things are in my area, I have always asked for the spokesperson for a team. I always mark them in the book, although I have never had to address them.

I know that a team consists of 5 players, one of whom is the captain. If it is done in a courteous manner, the captain may address an official on matters of interpretation or to obtain essential information. Maybe this is why I determine that there is 1 captain. You never know when a captain may need an interpretation or obtain essential information.

I think that I will continue to identify a spokesperson (the one and only actual captain of the team) and I will continue to mark them in the book. And i will continue to inform that same captain (or the jumper in his absence) when the game is about to start. When in Rome . . .
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