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Old Tue Oct 15, 2002, 12:50pm
nvfoa15 nvfoa15 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 121

I've been out of NCAA ball for a couple of years but let me take a stab at it.

Part of the requirements for PI would be a catchable pass. If the side official rules that the pass was uncatchable then defensive holding would be the call. BTW, this would be PI in NF.

The penalty for DPI is the spot foul if the foul occured within 15 yards of the previous spot, otherwise, 15 yards from the previous spot and either way, automatic first down.

The penalty for holding is 10 yards. Since this was a loose ball play (pass) the enforcement spot is the previous spot (where ball was snapped). I believe this is also an automatic first down.

I'm sure those that work in TX or MA OR NCAA will "correct" any errors I've made.
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