Fri Jan 16, 2009, 12:17pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 751
Originally Posted by ajmc
It's way past time you began acting like, "a grown azz man", instead of an angry teenager with an over inflated ego chip on his shoulder. Obviously you can't mount a rational argument to what I say, so you bellow about what you think I should mean. Grown azz men don't make up silly "stuff" to suit their needs and they're capable of getting a point across without trying to prop up whatever they are trying to say with a bunch of superflous BS.
All this nonsense started because you didn't like, and just can't accept, that you, and others, let your mouths get in the way of your thoughts and felt it more important to strut your ego than keep a discussion civil. If you want to act like a bully and a blow hard, that's entirely up to you, but you shouldn't be surprised when you're told it's making you look like an azz. Sadly, this ego thing makes a lot of the rest of us look like azzes, simply by association.
It's your parent's job to teach you how to speak, and not my role to make up for what they failed to get across, but when overblown ego and a rampant sense of self importance splashes mud on the rest of us, it needs to be pointed out, because you're just not competent enough to realize it by yourselves.
If any of you have some rational question, simple or not, you need answered, and can figure out how to ask it rationally and I'll be happy to answer it. Do us all a favor by not wasting your time asking me to put words in someone else's mouth or to surmise why they did, or didn't do, whatever it is you want an explanation about. That's not my role either.
ajmc realizes that the forum members have him figured out.......