Originally Posted by daggo66
ajmc, I'm just curious, are there any direct questions at all that you will answer? Is there a particular reason you choose not to answer the last question I posted?
I'll try and answer any rational question, I'm able to answer. If you are referring to your question, "Now, taking into account all that you stated above, why do you think he would join an officials forum in order to promote and make those claims?", I really can't give you an answer because I have no idea why coach Bryan does anything, so I obviously can't apeak for him, which of course, you should have realized before you asked the question.
I have never spoken with him about anything, so why whould you expect me to provide such an answer? Rather than speculate about what he might have thought, might have meant, might have intended, might have wanted to do or accomplish, doesn't it make a lot more sense for me to say nothing?