Thread: Moving up?
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Old Mon Oct 14, 2002, 03:29pm
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Advice -- It probably can't hurt you to take the floor test, even if you don't pass, unless you come off as totally unprofessional; which I have no doubt will definitely NOT happen. (If you were unprofessional, you wouldn't even bother asking for advice about your situation.) If you get picked up for HS ball, great. If not, then my guess is that you would at least get some good feedback on what you need to work on for next year's floor test. My advice, then, boils down to "Go for it".

Personal experience -- As I've posted elsewhere, my advancement was a "slow and steady" sort of thing. Around here, most guys get HS ball (freshmen) in their second year. I passed the IAABO test in '92, started HS ball in '93, got my first HS varsity game in '97, started college in '98, finally cracked college varsity in '01. I dabbled with minor league pro ball earlier this year and will apply for my first D1 tryout in the Spring of '03.

So you can see that I haven't made any dramatic leaps, but I have tried to continually reach for the next level. The good thing about having this gradual advancement is that I have been absolutely ready for each new step as I took it. I have never been completely overwhelmed by my first game at the new level. Don't get me wrong -- I was nervous as heck each time. But I had enough experience under my Sansabelts so that I didn't feel lost.

Go take your floor test. Knock 'em dead. Let us know how it went.

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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