Originally Posted by tballump
Imagine explaining this one to an Earl Weaver when he questions a pitch. I'll be nice and say WGARA or WGAFF on this one, and I believe, so would Earl.
It means knowing a ball on tv camera is 17 inches off the plate and a computer glitch allows it to be incorrectly scored as a strike.
It also means balls clearly within the strike zone on tv cameras were incorrectly labled as balls by the tracking system use to judge the accuracy of the umpire.
It means that plus or minus 1/2 inch accuracy is fuzzy math for an inch {eliminating the glitches which frequently occur in the system}.
It means umpire judgement that rely on any computer algorithm is only as good as the computer algorithm being used.
It means if Earl were serious, MLB would place 2 HD cameras in CF on either side of the pitcher and one directly over the plate and rely on computer video graphic packages that capture the location of the baseball on instant replay.