A number of these are "who really cares" kind of changes for me, but for those that I think matter...
#6 visible play clock req'd, good luck getting schools to blow the money on this.
#10 so now those sweat bands can be anywhere? Up on the biceps, on the legs, etc. Is this what they really want?
#11 they really think all of this communication stuff is low cost? Going to end up with the "haves" getting an advantage over the "have nots" schools.
#13 eliminates the need for "timing" component on chop blocks. Ought to include low-low blocks as well.
#14 initial contact determines catch, so what's the definition of "initial contact"? On a diving catch where the foot comes down first and then the body lands jarring the ball out. Is the foot the initial contact which makes it a catch or is it the entire process of landing which maybe makes it not?
#15 just makes the A-11 QB be 10 yds back instead of 7. Worthless.
#16 the scrimmage kick formation now requires it to be obvious a kick may occur, would be enough to kill A-11.
#18 no hitting "defenseless opponents", so when does "in the act of kicking the ball" begin? Does this mean no contact in the steps before the kick and before he actually kicks it? And "passer who is in the act of throwing the ball"? Really?!? So if the QB has his arm in motion but has not yet released the ball you can't hit him? And what if B is already in contact with him and then he begins to throw? Does B have to release or what? This is really well thought out, NOT.
#19 fouls by A behind the NZ have enforcement spot at previous spot, ok. But what about intentional grounding? A could potentially lose a lot less yards by IGing the ball. Better establish which fouls apply and which don't, NCAA here we come.
#24 establishing a 35/25 clock like NCAA's 40/25 clock. Is that what this tries to do? Spend more money on play clocks and in a fashion that will confuse already confused CO's. Yeah, that's a good idea.
#25 punter now sorta like the kick holder as far as being down and receiving the snap. Ok.
#26 comparing the runners helmet coming off to an IW? Just stupid.
#27 create mad scrambles for blocked try's? Just stupid.
#29, #30, #31 an attempt to kill the A-11 by requiring a kick or just eliminating the numbering exception? Just stupid.
#32 eliminates a loop-hole on extended time after a loss of down type foul to either team. Ok.
#33 eliminates loss of down on OPI & keeps 15yd penalty. I'd rather see OPI become 5 yds & loss of down like all the other LOD penalties that can happen against A.
#34 dead ball fouls after the TD can now be carried over to the KO. Good.
#35 no contact on receiver who has reached same yard line as defender. If we really need to change this rule, I'd rather see it as receiver is beyond the defender just because some seal blocks are done at the same yard line.
#38 horse collar tackle now a foul. Good.
#39 1st down depending on where a foul happens on the field? Just stupid.
#40 no more inadvertent face masks. Ok.
#42 limiting access in the 2 yd box, too vague as to who it applies to especially when you have.....
#43 nobody allowed in the 2 yd box during live ball. Great.
#44 B foul on running play that ends behind the NZ, enforce spot is previous spot. Just stupid.
Indecision may or may not be my problem
Last edited by Mike L; Tue Jan 06, 2009 at 07:32pm.