Originally Posted by ajmc
Outside of specific rules, the basic concept of a "Try" is to reward the scoring team with an opportunity to score an "extra point", because they were successful in scoring.
The scored upon team has earned nothing, and the idea that they are entitled to an opportunity to score themselves as a reward for failing to stop their opponent from scoring, seems odd.
Yes, it does, as
I explain (among other details) here. Since the late 19th Century in rugby and derivative games, a "try" was instituted that was just as you describe it above, and traditionally the try could be declined. However, now with NCAA and (for at least a time, forgot whether it's still that way) Football Canada and CFL, 2 way scoring has made it such that team A has to go thru the rigmarole of taking a knee under circumstances where previously they could've declined the try.
2-way scoring is a step backward to the time when following an attacking touchdown, the ball was put back fully into play via punt-out instead of there just being the possibility of a try.