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Old Mon Jan 05, 2009, 03:20am
tballump tballump is offline
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Posts: 224
Even if someone could draw a "picture", and everyone on this post finally came to an agreement on what the strike zone should be by definition, when the actual pitch crosses the plate, there would still be a difference as to what one umpire perceives as a ball hitting that strike zone, and what another umpire perceives as a ball hitting that strike zone.

Unfortunately, no matter how the strike zone is objectively defined and interpreted, it is still subjectively applied by each individual umpires own judgment.

Umpires that are perceived to have a good consistent strike zone, whether it is a just a "little to tight" or a "little to liberal" will be the ones advancing to the highest levels possible on the umpiring ladder, while others will not progress as far.

I believe one umpire said the players and coaches will verbally let you know what the strike zone should be at a particular level. Once you know those parameters, it is how "consistent" you remain throughout the "entire" game that matters.

It has also been said, that no one "walks" to the big leagues.
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