Originally Posted by SAump
I know you have a copy of the rulebook. I wanted you to work the around the gray area. Educate us on any part of gray area strike zone. TV commentators kept showing the IR strike zone, asking where the heel was that one. It became so popular MLB adopted it. I think one even had his hand on the phone to a NY tellustraightor. Don't use your wide TV background. Tell us how it works from the SDBUM. Let me start you off. The first batter enters the box and completely wipes off the 6 in line with his size 14 foot. Do you immediately eject or call time? Give me some verbal citations. I can't find the rool and I don't read the numbers very well. Is this caseplay covered in one of your book of facts?
Dont talk about the MLB strike Zone when they have camera from every angle possible. There strike has to be on the money... We as amateur umpire/ College/HS can get away with calling a ball off the edge of the plate both inside and outside. With the K zone everyone can see the pitches being called and it will get back to managers, which will get on the umps.