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Old Sun Jan 04, 2009, 08:49pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by SAump View Post
STOP worrying about the hitters feelings and get rid of that fairytale "fair" to every batter mentality. Good hitters don't need your help. The batter can help himself by swinging. The pitcher/catcher need your help! Without YOU, their toast unless the pitcher is headed to the next level. I know where the mitt is and I know where the pitch better be. The pitcher gets 20 inches, I get 3 and the batter gets 3. Its a strike until I say it is not.

That gray area belongs to me. If I miss in the gray area and complaints come in. I do not tighten/or loosen my zone. I focus on my 3 inches. I hope I give the batter his 3 inches or I blew a call. I hope to give the pitcher his 20 inches or I blew a call.

I repeat slowly, the pitcher can not take advantage of both sides of the plate. He throws the ball to one side or the other side. I call 3 of those 6 inches on one side or the other for him. I do not call 6 inches on both sides for him. The batter better decide if I am going to call the other 3 inches on the inside or 3 inches on the outside and swings. I don't have all day for him to decide. I prefer he not leave the decision up to me and swing at every strike crossing the plate. But they don't. So that leaves me in the gray area for most of the game.

If the catcher sticks it there all night. That hitter better adjust. I am sticking it there all night too. He sees an inside pitch. I call it a strike. He sees the same pitch. I call it a strike. I don't cave into the batters whim of a strike. He better come in with an idea and not rely on me or the last umpire for updates. Where is the ball going to be to hit is his decision. If he doesn't come in with a well-balanced hitting zone, he is probably not going to hit it.
Wow. Now I'm whacking myself upside the head trying to knock all of this post out of my head!! Ouch!!
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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