Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty
I wouldn't go that far inside, though. I'm with you on that. It's unhittable at any level and cheats every hitter. You go a little away and it's still hittable.
Here's the problem with the inside pitch it has become fashionable at
all levels for batters to crowd the plate. I got to believe it started at the "show" because "pitchers aren't allowed" to pitch inside. The first time it happens (it seems to be the case) both benches are warned. Nothing I enjoy more than getting a called third on a batter whose arms are over the plate. The only thing that can top that is calling a strike when a batter gets hit by a pitch because he's all over the plate.
Quit being sympathetic to the hitter. How many times do they let the mediocre belt high fastball go by and then get pissed off at you when you ring them up on a called third.