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Old Fri Jan 02, 2009, 05:21pm
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Larsen's Perfect Game

Anybody else watch this on the new MLB channel? A couple of observations:

Pinelli had a BIG strike zone that day - a lot of Yankees wee making minor grpes about it, so Dale Mitchell really didn't have too much to complain about - besides, if it was MY last day ever working HP and had a chance to make history - STRRIIIIIIIKETHREEEEEEEEEE

Pinelli also seemed to be forever adjusting his mask - ether that its just the quality of the masks they had then, or again, the last game behind the plate thing took hold again - the thing was probably 15 years old....

Lots of good hustle by all concerned - Dusty Bogess was right on top of a great shoestring catch Snider made, and there almost always two sets of eyes on the foul pole calls...

One thing that is interesting s that, even tough there were six umps workng, only four of them rotated - the two outfield umps (Tom Gorman and Ed Runge, btw) stayed in the outfiekd for the Series...Runge was only in his second year!
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