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Old Wed Dec 31, 2008, 12:22pm
3SPORT 3SPORT is offline
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Posts: 105
Kurt - Answer this question

What is the spirit and intent of the rule you are exploiting?
The formation you are using is the SCRIMMAGE KICK formation and the numbering EXCEPTION to this rule.

The rule is not called the SCRIMMAGE PASS formation or SCRIMMAGE RUN formation, though you can certainly do both from this to reach the line to gain.

Hence the numbering exception is to allow the SCRIMMAGE KICKING team to have different numbered players play on the line for this ONE PLAY and get more PARTICIPATION of players on the field. This allows the kids who might not start or play very much the opportunity to play in the game.

The reason guys on this forum so vehemently disagree with you is that you are EXPLOITING a loophole in the rule. That is plain WRONG.

By definition officials are there to make sure that NO TEAM gains an advantage by exploiting the rules. You are EXPLOITING the spirit and intent of the rule.

At this time by rule we cannot deny a team of using this formation on every down.

Go ahead and write position papers and books and sell this as a legitimate every down formation.

If I was a betting man, I would bet that NFHS rule committee will close this loophole in 2009 and put an end to the A-11 nonsense.