Originally Posted by joetip30
Saw this in a middle school game last week and home coach went crazy!!!
A1 is underneath and goes up for a shot. The ball misses everything and falls to the floor untouched. A1's momentum carried him to have one foot over the out of bounds line underneath, then he came back in and grabbed the ball. The official did not call a violation, even though the coach was screaming that a player cannot come back in and touch the ball.
I believe the no call was the correct call based rule 7-1-1, Situation B. It indicates that a player who does not leave the court voluntarily and did not have control when he did, therefore he is safe to come back in and secure control.
LIke to know what others think...
You are correct. There are no restrictions on being the first to touch the ball as long as the player has established position in bounds. It doesn't even really matter if the player left "voluntarily" or not as long as they didn't leave for an "unauthorized" reason. Even if they do leave for an unauthorized reason, the violation is not for being the first to touch, it is for leaving the court.
There is no "first to touch" rule in high school basketball.