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Old Mon Dec 29, 2008, 01:25pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by rockyroad View Post
Agreed...but now NevadaRef is going to come along and tell them they are cowards also. This could get interesting!!
I already knew how Rut would come down on this. He has a demonstrated history on this forum of taking the path of least resistance and a lack of desire to deal with unsporting behavior. He seems to want to just go with the flow. Therefore, I find it most ironic that his signature line seems to be in admiration of people who took the difficult path in order to do what they believed was right and change our society. How we live with and treat each other was important to those people. Sadly, I guess Rut is willing to enjoy the fruits of their labors, but doesn't have what it takes to do something similar when called to action or at least stand up with them. Of course, I've completely given up on him and ignore most of his posts. I already know that the character of that individual doesn't warrant any of my time.

It is the position of MTD that shocks and disappoints me.

Originally Posted by MTD Sr.
I have no doubt that the Head Coach knew that the game officials could hear his diatribe and that his diatribe was deliberately directed toward the game officials because of that fact.
How he can write that, yet advocate not levying the penalty of a technical foul against the coach completely baffles me.

I always thought of him as someone who cares about sportsmanship in the HS game and the proper conduct and manners of people. He certainly has talked of how he raised his sons in an upstanding manner on this forum. Certainly the mission statement of the NFHS of developing good citizens has to mean something to him or he wouldn't have been as involved in HS athletics as he is for as long as he has been. Therefore, it truly puzzles me that when a coach is clearly delivering the wrong message to the young men under his tutelage that he would advocate that the official not step in with a clear and firm action that the youngsters can see in contrast to the poor behavior from their supposed role model. At the HS level coaches are supposed to be teaching more than just the game, and officials clearly have a role in promoting sportsmanship. In this case, the coach isn't properly fulfilling his role as a steward of his young charges. He isn't simply criticizing the calls or performance of the officials, but with his 8 v. 5 comment is actually calling them cheaters. Furthermore, he is directly telling the youngsters on his team that those three adults are intentionally being cheating them. I don't know of a more insulting comment that a coach can make than to impugn the personal integrity of a game official. This offense, in front of the very youth for which the coach is supposed to be setting a good example, is unconscionable and calls for sterner action than just a behind the scenes filing of a report. The kids won't see the report, but they do see the action and hear the words of the coach, and that needs to be contradicted by public punishment so that the kids understand that this behavior is wrong. This situation is about doing what is right for the kids.
Lastly, two other comments.
1. I don't agree with not penalizing the coach for this offending speech, but getting him for something else in the second half. To me that fails to deal with the heart of the matter. It is akin to the federal government getting Al Capone for income tax evasion. I say penalize what should be and don't look for something else to make up for it. That's not justice or addressing the problem head on. That's skirting the issue.

2. MTD referenced the coach using inappropriate language which can be heard outside of the huddle during a time-out and wrote that it was an NCAA position. In fact, the NFHS takes the very same position. This appeared as a POE in 2004-05.

Inappropriate language. The committee is concerned about the use of inappropriate language by players, bench personnel, coaches, officials and spectators. Each group has a responsibility to the game and to each other to demonstrate civility and citizenship.
The team huddle is not a safe haven for coaches' bad language. Players are not permitted to "let off steam" by using profanity, even if it is not directed at an opponent or official. Being angry at oneself is no excuse. Officials are not exempt either. Inappropriate references to players or coaches are not acceptable. Game administrators must also pay particular attention to fans. A game ticket is not a license to abuse.

Last edited by Nevadaref; Mon Dec 29, 2008 at 02:29pm.