Buckeye12, It's good to dream about working the playoffs I felt the same way you did but after five years you realize it's not hard to the easy games, but when two teams take the field that dislike each other, the people skills come into play this takes years to get to that level, to work with two
coaches who live and breath fire with the rules and who will test you on re-entry, d-h, sub's, batting O/O order and every trick you have not even seen yet, be Thankful you are not doing these games yet. screw the pooch once and your marked for life, most varsity coaches can quote the rule verse and section, do you really want to out there with them, after your second working you will start to realize exactly what you don't know, these coach's will exploit your shortcomming's to no end and this could cut kill or cut off the rung's of the ladder above you, let your assignor give you game's that he think's YOU can handle, I go to camp's and the like going now towards six year's of really doing ball I believe it takes 7 to 8 years to be really good H.S varsity umpire, I have over 25 yr.s doing some type of officiating ice hockey, baseball, softball, don't rush your ruin the good work you started to show this year, as you grow so will the quality of the games you work will grow did you get the toughest game on the schedule or just a little game between ywo old coaches who are best buddies, think
work and learn, relax enjoy it will come, invest in a couple of camp's that's great advice. pay your dues,