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Old Wed Dec 24, 2008, 09:28pm
BayStateRef BayStateRef is offline
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Originally Posted by rpirtle View Post
How many "Assignors" does a typical basketball official have in MA...??? I know that states vary on how school districts are setup, how officials are certified, how games are assigned, etc.
I have three assignors for my varsity schedule...and I would say that is not unusual. Assignors are hired by the leagues -- and some handle only boys or girls. So a single league of nine, 10 or 12 schools can have two assignors. Some assignors handle only varsity and delegate sub-varsity games to another assignor. Officials are certified to work high school games....but not by the state. It leaves it up to independent officials' associations. Most officials in Massachusetts are members of IAABO, which has 13 boards in the state. There are also a handful of much smaller associations.

There have been a number of retirements and resignations by assignors in the last few years, which has changed the landscape. When I started about 10 years ago, I worked exclusively for one assignor, who had five or six leagues -- boys and girls and who had been around forever. When he retired his leagues were given to at least four assignors.
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