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Old Fri Oct 04, 2002, 05:09pm
Buckeye12 Buckeye12 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 92
Ahh...what a plesant board to ask for help on. But, no discouragement here. Thank you Pastor Charlie for backin' me on this one. I live by your words exactly..."If you aim for nothin you're sure to achieve it.." So let me get this straight...the vets incourage young umpires to go out to the field, and only umpire for today, just put your time in, and don't look for a future. Doesn't every umpire dream of improving themselves and making it to a higher level. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I doubt it. I feel like I'm in a prime position to be a beginning umpire. I'm a college student with very few family and work obligations. All I want to do is take full advantage of the free time I now have because I do realize it doesn't last forever. I do work my a$$ off everytime I'm on the field. I've even been told by other umpires "don't wear yourself out" just because I would sprint to follow proper mechanics and gain the best possible position. So, the way I look at things now is why not try my absolute hardest to work my way up the "ladder" as fast as I can so when my free time begins to disappear, I know that I've worked very hard to get where I'm at. I believe that going out "just to umpire today's game and put my time in" would be a very innefficient way of using the time I have available to me now. So, if there's any other criticizm out there...bring it. But, like my original subject line said...I would like any ADVICE from a veteran umpire.
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