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Old Fri Oct 04, 2002, 02:45pm
bluezebra bluezebra is offline
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You just finished you rookie season, and you're wondering how to "kiss-up" to coaches to get state playoff games. Back off a bit, and pay your dues. Who assigns your games? Don't they submit names to the school ADs? Are your game checks made out, "To whom it may concern"?

If the coaches make recommendations as to who works post-season games, that's a horrible system. The associations I belonged to rate the umpires. In the first few rounds of the playoffs, the association assignor assigns the games from a list given to him/her by the BOD. When it gets to quarter finals, the local state office assigns out-of-area officials from the associations' lists of eligible officials. Coaches and ADs have no say-so in the assigning.

Maybe, in Ohio, you should put your name on the back of your uniform shirt.

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