You're being a little testy for a Friday aren't you . . .
I agree I didn't understand why he did the possesive on concessions and his comment about the stadium being beautiful on the surface being an engineering view (wrong, it would be an architectural view -- the eningeering view would be "how" the building structure is built) but he does have a right to have his feelings.
Bob (being an old fart like you) I can go to the ball park and let the game "stream" as necessary. I don't feel cheated if Maddox goes in an hour and 55 or feel I got more if the Tigers can't get anyone out and the game goes four hours. That is the part of baseball I like.
As to calling yet a larger strike zone -- humbug, it is big enough now for MLB types.
If you want to cut things work on keeping the hitter in the box (as suggested above) and make pitchers pitch the damn ball.
Other than that take this pievce of advice:
When going to an MLB game go as soon as the doors open, watch BP, watch the infield drills, then watch about the first four/five innings, head to your car, turn on the radio, and get outta the lot . . . beat the traffic.
Make sure you save your ticket stubbs so if something EPIC happens you can prove to your friends that "you were there, see my ticket!"
Pretty good post for an old guy Bob.