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Old Tue Dec 23, 2008, 01:27pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
IIRC, we have a case somewhere regarding the beginning of the game and T that occurs before the jump. The case indicates that substitutions can be made before the FT's for the T without it being considered a change of the starters because the game has started. The fact that the T was called (or an infraction) has, in it self, move the game to a "new timing interval".
But only the FT shooter is allowed to replace a starter and enter. Subs from both teams can't freely come in at that time after the T. They are still required to wait by a rule. The T only grants an exception to the one sub who is attempting the first FT (and maybe the 2nd).

The situation is similar here. There is a rule that places a restriction on all substitutes who don't report prior to the warning horn. They now cannot enter until the next substitution opportunity. The T would allow ONE player to be replaced by an exception and only if that entering sub is attempting that first FT.

The place where we lack clarity is what exactly constitutes the next substitution opportunity.

PS It is silly to state that I am making stuff up because you don't have any clear rules support for your position that "every new infraction creates a new point for substitution" either.
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