Originally Posted by swkansasref33
Hey guys,
Im lookin for some reccommendations on plate shoes... not lookin to spend a bunch, but lookin for a quality pair that i can get relatively cheap.
Quality shoes cost money. I bought my Gerry Davis Hi-Tops 15 years ago for $125. They are still my only plate shoes today (with a few minor repairs to the stiching).
Do not go cheap (as others have advised) because you will pay for it with pain and loss of wages on your job. Many umpires seem to like the New Balance brand now so look at those. I saw someone mention Tanel, stay away from those! About a dozen of our new recrutes bought Tanel from a visiting Honig dealer a couple of years back. Not one pair lasted the HS season (about 3 months here in CT)! They went to either Gerry Davis or New Balance and bought
real plate shoes and are very happy now.