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Old Tue Dec 23, 2008, 01:07am
With_Two_Flakes With_Two_Flakes is offline
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Originally Posted by bisonlj View Post
If he did that and stopped but another player started in motion within a second of him stopping, you would have an illegal motion penalty (not all players were set for 1 second before the player went in motion).
Not sure I agree with you at least for NCAA Rules. Provided that Team A were set for 1 second before motion starts, then after one guys motion stops and another guys motion starts, provided their motions don't "overlap" there is no requirement for all of Team A to stop for "another" full second. There is an Approved Ruling in the NCAA Rule Book on the matter.

AR 7-1-4-IV
After the Team A players have stopped for one second, end A88 runs wide and stops, and before one second elapses, back A36 starts moving backward. RULING: Legal.

I can't find anything in the NFHS book that makes me think the Fed is any different to NCAA, but I'm no High School Rules expert, so happy to defer to the other side of the Pond on that one......
Sorry Death, you lose.... It was Professor Plum!
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