Mon Dec 22, 2008, 11:50am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 719
Originally Posted by M&M Guy
I know I'm responding kinda late - it's been a busy weekend with weather, family coming over, (family finally leaving...), etc.
I don't know if I'm the "unnamed very veteran official" mentioned in the indictment, (sorry, but I've been reading too much about our "esteemed governor"), but I do know I'm in the camp of not being specific when trying to talk players out of violations during play. I know I've been told many times, in many different situations (camps, games, etc.) to not use color or numbers when talking directly to players during play. I have also had a coach tell me directly, "If you have to tell 54 to get out of the lane, why is it not a violation?" So to avoid having to answer questions like that, I think it's better to be a little vague in those instances: "Keep moving", "Hands off", etc. But in all other situations, by all means use color and number.
In regard to the "hands off" statement to players, I use this too, but I try to say it before they start actively defending their match up. You can usually tell when a player gets into defensive position and the hands start to come up that the player is going to attempt putting a hand(s) on the player.