I agree... tell the girl to cover the exposed hinges...(only thing that has to be done by rule), I'll bet the team has an oversleeve...
That being said... I learned this in football I had never though about....
If the referee will not enforce a liability potential safety rule, pull the R aside and tell him that you want a signed statement that states he has made a rule decision on not enforcing a saftey rule, and that he assumes all liability from the actions resulting from his rule interpretation, and that he understands you advised him to not allow the safety issue and against the advice, he absolves you of all liability.
May not stand up in court but he'll get the point....
I had a situation in football where the note supposed to be signed by a MD or DO was signed by a PA. Told the referee and he made all sorts of justifications on why a PA is just as qualified as a MD...
1) I will not work with the guy again and 2) I will not work with him again and 3) i wont subject myself to that liability without covering my butt somehow and take all reasonable steps